Tag Archives: wrinkles

Unmask the Myth

Using Skin Masks during FacialsYou can’t skim social media or browse a beauty blog without encountering the sheet mask. But, just how valuable are they? Dr. Yagoda unmasks the myth of the sheet mask…

Despite the rage, sheet masks bestow beauty that is only “skin deep”—that is their benefits are superficial, and not true or lasting. That’s not to say that there isn’t some value in adding a sheet mask to your skin care regimen, but, you need to know that it will only work on the top layers of your skin, leaving the lower layers (where collagen and elastin hang out) untouched.

Because sheet masks don’t work in the deeper layers of your skin where collagen and elastin provide support and elasticity, your skin will not display a smoother, tighter, or more youthful appearance after using these masks. At upwards of $5 a pop, you will receive only limited and temporary moisturizing, with little to no anti-wrinkle or anti-aging effects.

Single-use sheet masks are like large soaked cotton pads with active ingredients that stay in contact with your skin for as long as you wear the mask (typically 20 minutes). But because the skin’s main task is to act as a barrier to protect you from the environment and to prevent absorption of toxins, many of those active ingredients will not get absorbed, even if you were to leave the mask on for much longer than 20 minutes!

So if you are thinking, “nothing ventured, nothing gained,” then consider this: sheet masks, in order to stay moist without drying out, contain ingredients that can harm your skin. Yep, ingredients like alcohol, butylene glycol (a delivery agent and solvent), polyethylene glycol (a preservative), and fragrance can have negative effects on your skin.

A better vehicle for moisture delivery (but still subject to limited absorption due to the skin’s barrier function) would be the serums, lotions, creams and ointments that you can buy at your corner drugstore or Dr. Yagoda’s office. Without doubt, the best vehicle for moisture delivery is an ingestible beauty supplement, in powder form, (because it does not need to be digested in order to be absorbed).

Whether choosing a sheet mask, topical products, or a beauty nutritional supplement, select one that contains all three of the active ingredients listed below:

  • antioxidants to protect the skin from premature aging and damage from free radicals;
  • peptides to help make more collagen; and,
  • hyaluronic acid to hydrate and plump the skin.

An ingestible is a more effective and affordable option than sheet masks. But if you just have to jump on the gimmicky sheet mask wagon, you’ll need to adjust your expectations to receiving little more than hydration and entertainment in order to be satisfied!

There are good reasons why Dr. Yagoda is the one other doctors choose. To find out why, schedule your consultation with Dr. Yagoda. Call 212.434.1210 or email info@DrYagoda.com.

Tech Neck?

Myth or Medical Miracle: Is there a “tech neck?”

Is this the newest effect of the “selfie?” Whether “tech neck” — lines and wrinkles in the neck due to constant use of a smartphone/electronic device — is real depends on who you ask. According to some, people have been “looking down” for centuries (ie, on assembly lines), so it is nothing new. However, at the very least, it seems people are more aware of their necks — which is probably due to the selfie!

As many as one in three plastic surgeons say that there has been an increase in cosmetic procedures due to collective self-awareness. Neck wrinkles and sagging skin are more obvious in high-definition, and constantly looking at a phone does not help to hide these signs of aging.

What do you think? Is “tech neck” real? Or, are we just now noticing it?

Fight Back!

p1Combat wrinkles with regular exercise and a well balanced diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants.

Eat leafy, green veggies, lean proteins including beans and lentils, omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and flax seed, brightly colored berries, dark chocolate (yes! even chocolate has antioxidants), and green tea.

Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated!

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Elderly ‘Experts’ Share Life Advice in Cornell Project

Elderly ‘Experts’ Share Life Advice in Cornell ProjectAging can be a beautiful thing. Integrate health and beauty and you’re set.

Be sure to manage your stress levels (it’s a silent killer), contribute to healthy relationships while avoiding relationships that make you unhappy, eat well, take vitamins, and stop smoking (it’s known to cause wrinkles!).

Above all else, listen to elderly advise. Their knowledge can be invaluable according to a recent article entitled “Advice From Life’s Graying Edge on Finishing With No Regrets”.

More anti-aging tips can be found at www.facebook.com/dryagoda.