Tag Archives: organic

Can Herbal Remedies Be Safely Used During Pregnancy?


Medical Miracle! Ginger has been proven to be safe in pregnant women as a natural cure for morning sickness. During pregnancy, many women concerned about side effects of traditional medicines look for alternatives. Women may be surprised to learn that most herbal remedy options provide promised benefits, and even worse, can cause danger. However, a recent study revealed that ginger was the only herbal remedy tested to be consistently effective and safe.

Dr. Yagoda recognizes the healing properties of both traditional medicine and alternative therapies. She understands that holistic and natural therapies can often be as effective as conventional Western options such as surgery or prescription medication, with the added benefit of lowered risk and fewer side effects.

Jessica Alba Launches ‘The Honest Company’

p7Jessica Alba has launched a new online business that sells eco-friendly and non-toxic baby products. Called The Honest Company, she learned about toxic chemicals in baby products and household cleaners and so she set out to find the safest and healthiest choices for her baby.

Watch the video to learn more: Jessica Alba Launches ‘The Honest Company’

Visit Dr. Yagoda’s Facebook Page to read more.