Tag Archives: ent

Tongue Brushes and Scrapers

tongue brushes and tongue scrapersTongue brushes and scrapers can be used to treat physiologic halitosis. They are favored by halitophobic patients. The origin of physiological halitosis is often post-nasal drip, gastroesophageal reflux, or poor dental hygiene. If so, treatment for those disorders can reduce or eliminate halitosis.

But, for persistent halitosis, often coming from the back of the tongue, tongue brushing and scraping can be helpful. In addition, mouth rinses with homeopathic solutions free of alcohol, (e.g. Alkalol) can also be used. In general, mouthwashes containing alcohol are to be avoided because they increase the risk of oral cancer. And, chewing gum can produce methyl mercaptan, one of the principal components of oral malodour, leading to persistent halitosis.

Get Warm to Block Colds!

Your mom’s advice was right: Put on a sweater. New research indicates that, yes, being warm helps protect against getting a cold. The body does not utilize its immune system as well at lower temperatures according to early studies. This research, being done at Yale on mice, indicates that low temperatures suppress cells’ ability to detect oncoming viruses as well as their ability to warn the immune system. This gives viruses more freedom to replicate — making you sicker!

For the mice kept at a normal, human-body temperature, they were able to fight off the virus easier than those in the cooler temps. Essentially turning the alarm signal of the body off, the virus grew until it became what we know as “the common cold.” Time to bundle up!

Sea AND Land Sickness?

Your all-inclusive cruise might not be all-inclusive after all! Although seasickness is nothing new for most people, few know about a much rarer side effect of — at least what should be! — a relaxing cruise, plane flight, or car trip: Mal de Debarquement syndrome. Those afflicted with Mal de Debarquement syndrome end up paying for their trip long after they return to land.

Little is truly known about what causes Mal de Debarquement syndrome, but it is a disorder of the balance system set off by exposure to motion.  By definition, it is the sense of imbalance and/or movement that persists for more than two days after a cruise, plane flight, car trip, train ride, or other “ride.”  Interestingly, there is usually NO accompanying nausea.

Although “sea legs” are common after prolonged exposure to motion, they should last less than two days.  Unfortunately, there are no documented preventive measures for Mal de Debarquement syndrome, but those prone to motion sickness may benefit from taking motion sickness remedies to prevent or mitigate these symptoms from the initial moment they step into a car, plane, train or ship.

Those suffering from Mal de Debarquement often feel as if they are rocking and swaying while steady on land. This can cause dizziness and headaches, and sufferers might become anxious and depressed.  Thus, early diagnosis is very important! The most effective treatments have included Cawthorne vestibular strengthening exercises and vestibular rehab training.

As an expert ENT, Dr. Michelle Yagoda works hand-in-hand with audiologists to help educate, diagnosis, and treat those with Mal de Debarquement syndrome. As the official Mal de Debarquement awareness month approaches in June, she hopes to raise more awareness of this little-understood phenomenon.

Young, healthy people don’t need to be vaccinated because the flu is only dangerous for infants and the elderly.


Myth! Many people think that if you are young and healthy, it’s unnecessary to get a flu vaccine. However, this could not be farther from the truth. The flu is a viral disease that could send even the healthiest person to the hospital, so you may want to get your vaccine if you haven’t done so already! Even if you are at a lower risk of suffering flu complications, a vaccine may not only protect you, but also may protect the people around you from getting sick.

As an otolaryngologist, Dr. Yagoda offers her patients comprehensive diagnosis for all ear, nose, and throat conditions and provides an integrative treatment plan incorporating everything from natural and alternative remedies, lifestyle changes, dietary and nutritional support, to injectables, lasers and surgery.  She can help you decide if a flu vaccine is right for you.

Turn Off the Noise

As many as one in five people suffer from tinnitus, the sensation of a noise, often high-pitched.  While for some lucky ones it may be fleeting, for others the ringing can be so loud and constant that it can interfere with concentration, daily routines and sleep.

To add to the naturally effective treatments with lipoflavinoids and sound making, researchers have recently identified a psychology-based approach that has proven to provide relief for some tinnitus sufferers.  This treatment is “simple, relatively brief and does not require the purchase or use of devices….”

If you or someone you know suffers from tinnitus, make an appointment with Dr. Yagoda at her New York ENT office to diagnose the cause with a hearing evaluation, physical exam, hearing test, and if need be an imaging study.  Once she identifies the cause of your tinnitus, Dr. Yagoda can offer a comprehensive treatment plan including supplements, lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and medications, if necessary.

Can breathing exercises reduce symptoms of asthma?


Medical Miracle! According to a report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, certain breathing exercises seem to reduce asthma severity, but there was not enough evidence to draw any significant conclusions. Researchers examined the Buteyko method, which involves shallow and slow breathing through the nose when short of breath. They also studied yoga breathing exercises and inspiratory muscle-training, which helps to strengthen the muscles by making inhaling more difficult. They found the exercise that reduces hyperventilation seems to result in improvements in asthma symptoms and reductions in medication use among patients.

Learn about how facial plastic surgeons can help asthma sufferers whose nasal conditions are caused by nasal polyps.

Dangers of listening to loud music

Chris Martin from Coldplay has revealed that years of playing live has left him with tinnitus! Dr. Yagoda can help treat your tinnitus but it is important to also know how to prevent it.

When there is loud noise, use moulded filter plugs or simple earplugs. Chris Martin has been active for campaigns like Action On Hearing Loss about the potential dangers of listening to loud music. Rapper and Actor Plan B also reports symptoms of tinnitus.

Contact Dr. Yagoda for help, 212-434-1210!