* most recent photos are added at the end
Patient 1

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This 48 year-old woman wishes to have face and neck lift surgery to get rid of jowls, to define her jawline, and to make her face and neck look more youthful.
Patient 2

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This 68 year-old woman wished to have rejuvenation of her eyes and face.
Patient 3

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This 76 year-old African American woman had a face and neck lift to better define her jawline and neckline. A chin implant was recommended, but declined. A platysma muscle plication was used to make her neck and face appear more youthful. Submental liposuction was used to reduce jowling, to define her jawline, and to remove fullness under her chin. Incisions were hidden inside and behind the ear.
Patient 4

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This 61 year-old woman underwent face and neck lift surgery via a SMAS lift and platsyma placation to lift and tighten the skin of her face and neck and define the jawline. The incisions were hidden inside of and behind the ears. She underwent submental liposuction to remove the fat contributing to the fullness under her chin and to sculpt and reduce the jowling. The incision was hidden under the chin. In addition, she underwent endoscopic browlift to rejuvenate the brow and blepharoplasty to remove the excess skin and fat in her upper eyelids. The incisions were hidden in the natural lid creases and in the hairline.
Patient 5

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This 52 year-old woman underwent face and neck lift surgery. A platysma muscle placation was used to tighten and lift her skin. A chin implant was used with liposuction to define and enhance her jawline, and to reduce the fullness under her chin. Incisions were hidden inside and behind the ears, and under the chin.
Patient 6

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This 49 year-old woman underwent face, neck and brow lift. A SMAS lift was performed to lift and tighten the skin of her face and neck. A platysma plication was performed to reduce the fullness under her chin and to redefine her jawline. Incisions for the face and neck lift were hidden inside and behind the ears. A transcoronal browlift was performed to permanently remove the lines in her brow. The incision was hidden in the hairline.
Patient 7

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This 55 year-old woman underwent face and neck lift to make her face and neck more youthful. A platysma muscle plication was used to tighten and lift her skin. Liposuction was used to define and enhance her jawline, to reduce the fullness under her chin and to better define her jawline. Incisions were hidden inside and behind the ears.
Patient 8

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This 58 year-old woman wanted rejuvenation of the neck and jowls. She wanted to look refreshed and natural.
Patient 9

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This 47 year-old woman wanted a mid-face lift to provide her with more contoured cheeks and more symmetry. (NOTE: the light reflection on her right cheek is lower than that on her left. In addition, the right cheek is fuller.)
Patient 10
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This lovely 66 year-old woman had a long-standing right-sided facial nerve palsy. She wanted to rejuvenate her face and jawline without surgery. She felt that her cheeks were flat, the corners of her mouth were downturned, and her jowls were sagging.
Patient 11
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This lovely 50 year-old woman wanted to get rid of her marionette lines and her jowls, and she wanted to lift her mid-face without surgery.
Patient 12
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This 38 year-old beautiful woman had enlarged parotid glands (in front of and under her ear) causing her to have a full, round face and swelling under the angle of her jaw. She was extremely fit and felt that this detracted from her overall appearance.
* most recent photos are added at the end