Patient 31

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This 46 year-old woman wanted upper eyelid rejuvenation to get rid of the excess hanging skin. She wanted her eye to look less droopy and naturally more open, awake and youthful.
Patient 32

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This 52 year-old woman wanted upper eyelid rejuvenation to get rid of the excess hanging skin and to make her eyes look less droopy and naturally more open, awake and youthful.
Patient 33

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This 60 year-old woman wanted revision upper eyelid rejuvenation to get rid of the excess hanging skin and to make her eyes look less droopy and naturally more open, awake and youthful.
Patient 34

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This 69 year-old woman was bothered by the swelling under her eyes and over her cheeks. Unlike typical ‘bags’ that are noticed above the lower bone of the eye socket, these ‘malar (cheek) bags’ extend below that bony ridge onto the cheek. Malar bags are not able to be addressed through traditional lower eyelid surgery. An external incision is necessary in order to correct this. Scars, while initially red, will fade to white and be easily camoflaged in a nature skin crease. They may also be covered up with makeup.
Patient 35

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This 46 year-old woman complained of heavy and tired lids, and wanted to rejuvenate her eyelids and improve her field of vision.
Patient 36
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This 60 year-old woman underwent upper and lower eyelid surgery to rejuvenate her eyes by removing the excess skin on her upper lids and the bags under her eyes.