While treatment of sinus infections may can include prescription medications, this may not always be the case. Sometimes, simple lifestyle changes can help you beat sinus infections and prevent future ones. In other cases, homeopathic remedies can be valuable. Other times, surgery is necessary to provide lasting relief. Surgery can clean out infectious material, open clogged nasal passages, and restore proper drainage to the sinuses. During surgery, structural and functional issues can be addressed. The septum (the part that divides the nasal airways into two presumably equal parts) can be crooked from birth or from trauma. If present, a deviated septum can be straightened to improve airflow. Turbinates filter and humidify air. They may be enlarged, misshapen or malpositioned. Turbinates and nasal polyps (mucous filled cysts similar to water balloons that arise from the mucous-secreting glands comprising the mucous membranes lining the nose and sinus) can be remodeled and removed.
Lifestyle and Dietary Changes
The first step toward treating sinusitis, lifestyle and dietary changes include adequate hydration, restful sleep, an evaluation for food allergies, avoiding chemical and vapor irritants, mold, wheat and/or dairy, and using a humidifier or vaporizer at home, especially in a dry or scorched environment such as Arizona or New Mexico.
Alternative, Herbal, and Homeopathic Remedies
Dr. Yagoda’s practice philosophy incorporates alternative mind and body healing to supplement traditional medicine. To that end, she recommends the following alternative, herbal, and homeopathic remedies for sinusitis: sinus irrigations with herbal remedies, like Alkalol—with or without neti pots, sinus irrigators, or simple home utensils, inhaled glutathione, inhaled or topical anti-inflammatory and/or anti-fungals. Beware: many herbs for sinus and allergy problems have many unwanted side effects, such as increasing blood pressure or causing heart arrhythmia.
Medical Treatments
Medical treatments for sinusitis can include ingested and/or topical anti-inflammatory medication, antihistamines, leukotriene inhibitors, nasal steroids, oral steroids, and antibiotics.
Balloon Sinus Procedures with XprESS
Balloon sinus surgery is a new type of minimally-invasive, office-based procedure that, when performed by trained ENT surgeons, can instantaneously and effectively unblock nasal sinuses. If you have been diagnosed with recurrent acute or chronic sinusitis that has not responded to medication and want a treatment option that is safe, immediate, effective, and less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, balloon sinus surgery may be a good option to consider.
Balloon surgery involves inserting a small plastic balloon into the sinuses in order to drain them, and then removing the balloon. Unlike traditional surgery, it requires no cutting and no removal of any bone or tissue from the nose or sinuses. It also generally has a faster recovery rate and can be performed either under local anesthesia with or without sedation, either in the office or in the hospital. Balloon-assisted sinus surgery is FDA-approved and has safely helped hundreds of thousands of patients with their sinusitis symptoms.
Dr. Yagoda is pleased to offer the XprESS sinus balloon procedure from ENT Stryker (formerly Entellus Medical), as part of her integrative approach to treating sinus disease. Schedule a consultation to learn more about these new balloon sinus surgery procedures, and Dr. Yagoda will determine whether they may be good options for you.
Endoscopic Surgery
Through tiny, lighted, and microscopic equipment via the nose—with no external incision necessary—the sinuses are directly visualized with magnification and definitively corrected. There is no bruising and no change to the external appearance of the face or nose.