Category Archives: ENT

Junk Food Linked to Asthma and Eczema in Children

As many of you know, eating processed food can lead to obesity, heart disease and diabetes in adults. But you may be surprised to learn the harmful effects of junk food on children. A recent study revealed that kids who eat junk food three times a week have a higher risk of developing asthma and eczema.

Researchers studied 50 countries and found that teenagers who ate fast food such as burgers three times a week or more were 39 percent more likely to get severe asthma. Younger kids were 27 percent more at risk. It is believed that the high saturated fat levels in food such as burgers lower children’s immune systems.

Want to know what foods can protect against these diseases? Read this article to find out more.

Prevent the Flu with these 10 Natural Immune System Boosters

While many people turn to over-the-counter medication to relieve their illnesses, the answer to fighting the flu is not always in your medicine cabinet. Cold and flu prevention can be as simple as making a few lifestyle changes. By practicing healthy habits, you’ll protect yourself and those around you from getting sick. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

As an otolaryngologist, Dr. Yagoda offers her patients comprehensive diagnosis for all ear, nose, and throat conditions and provides a full spectrum of treatment options to ensure optimal health and wellness. Having an integrated approach to ear, nose, throat, voice, and facial medicine as well as beauty and aesthetics – Dr. Yagoda understands the importance of uniting mind-body connections with traditional medicine and surgery for optimal health, beauty and wellness.

What is your face telling you?

Have you ever wondered what is causing that recurring zit on your chin? Or the rash on your cheeks? You may not have to wonder any more! While Chinese medicine practitioners have diagnosed medical problems based on facial symptoms for hundreds of years, Western researchers recently confirmed what Eastern healers have long known:  the condition of our skin reveals a great deal about our physical and emotional health.  In fact, like parts of the foot (think reflexology), segments of the face are also linked to parts of the body.  Each part of the face (cheeks, mouth, chin, forehead and between the eyebrows) can be linked to an corresponding underlying health concern.

What is your face telling you? Here’s how to find out.

Turn Off the Noise

As many as one in five people suffer from tinnitus, the sensation of a noise, often high-pitched.  While for some lucky ones it may be fleeting, for others the ringing can be so loud and constant that it can interfere with concentration, daily routines and sleep.

To add to the naturally effective treatments with lipoflavinoids and sound making, researchers have recently identified a psychology-based approach that has proven to provide relief for some tinnitus sufferers.  This treatment is “simple, relatively brief and does not require the purchase or use of devices….”

If you or someone you know suffers from tinnitus, make an appointment with Dr. Yagoda at her New York ENT office to diagnose the cause with a hearing evaluation, physical exam, hearing test, and if need be an imaging study.  Once she identifies the cause of your tinnitus, Dr. Yagoda can offer a comprehensive treatment plan including supplements, lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and medications, if necessary.

The Surprising Cause of Hearing Loss in Women

There are many different factors that can cause hearing loss, but you may be surprised to learn that the medication you’re taking could be contributing to the problem.

According to a recent study, researchers found that the more often a woman took ibuprofen or acetaminophen, the higher her risk for hearing loss.

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Don’t you deserve a good night’s sleep?

Getting a good night's sleep and snoring

Continuing the countdown list of “SNORING ALSO CAUSES”…..there is also the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. What are you waiting for?  Use Google to search for links between Cardiovascular Disease and Snoring.  Don’t you deserve a good night’s sleep?

See Dr. Yagoda to address issues of Sleep Apnea and Snoring.