This 23 year-old female underwent rhinoplasty with insertion of a Medpor implant via an external approach. In this photo, note that the bridge of the nose is elevated and the angle from the forehead is smaller. Although her profile is natural, note the subtle elevation of the tip of her nose. This increased projection is the byproduct of the alar base resection performed to narrow her nostrils. RHP20A1
This 23 year-old female underwent rhinoplasty with insertion of a Medpor implant via an external approach. In this photo, note that the bridge of the nose is elevated and the angle from the forehead is smaller. Although her profile is natural, note the subtle elevation of the tip of her nose. This increased projection is the byproduct of the alar base resection performed to narrow her nostrils. RHP20A2
This 23 year-old female underwent rhinoplasty with insertion of a Medpor implant via an external approach. In this photo, note that the bridge of the nose is elevated and the angle from the forehead is smaller. Although her profile is natural, note the subtle elevation of the tip of her nose. This increased projection is the byproduct of the alar base resection performed to narrow her nostrils. RHP20A3
This 23 year-old female underwent rhinoplasty with insertion of a Medpor implant via an external approach. In this photo, note that the bridge of the nose is elevated and the angle from the forehead is smaller. Although her profile is natural, note the subtle elevation of the tip of her nose. This increased projection is the byproduct of the alar base resection performed to narrow her nostrils. RHP20A4