This 46 year-old underwent rhinoplasty and functional septal surgery many years earlier, but was both unhappy with the asymmetrical appearance and the poor function. Subsequent to the original surgery, she noticed recurrent sinus infections, headache, restless sleep, snoring, and face pain. She wanted her nose to function better, and look better but was afraid of revision surgery. She didn’t want to cause a bigger functional problem and she was afraid of any drastic cosmetic changes.
This 18 year-old female student was born with a large hemangioma of her lip and nose. Despite several prior surgeries with another surgeon, she did not like her cosmetic result. She wanted to have finesse revision rhinoplasty to refine the tip to make it less boxy, to minimize the scars on her upper lip, and to feminize the protruding profile.
This 21 year-old female was unhappy with a prior rhinoplasty done by another surgeon. She disliked the bump on the left side of the tip of her nose, and the proportions of the narrow bridge to the wide tip.
This 35 year-old female was unhappy with the results of her prior rhinoplasty with another surgeon. She said, “I hate that when people are looking AT me, they can see right up my nose.”
This 34 year-old male wanted to have a rhinoplasty to improve his profile and his breathing. As a result of boxing and martial arts, he sustained many prior nasal fractures which resulted in loss of structural support, an elongation of the profile, and tip droop.
This 31 year-old male wanted cosmetic rhinoplasty to gently shave down the dorsum of his nose. In this photo, taken from below, there is a raised dorsum between the tip and the bridge of the nose.
This 59 year-old female noticed that the left side of her lip was higher than the right, that her upper lips were becoming thinner, and that the scar from her cleft nose repair (at the top near her nostril) was becoming deeper and more difficult to camouflage. She inquired about a non-surgical cleft nose scar revision. Note lip symmetry and scar prominence.
This 57 year-old Greek woman underwent six previous nasal surgeries in Greece. Her nose was completely twisted and deformed. There was no tip support as the bottom one-third of the nose was completely missing its cartilaginous support. She wanted a rhinoplasty to provide functional and aesthetic restoration of the surgically created deformity. She wanted to look normal.
This 53 year-old woman with chronic sinusitis wanted to have some cosmetic changes to her nose during her sinus surgery. She didn’t like the bump or the boxy tip. She wanted some refinements, but didn’t want to wholly change her appearance.
This 25 year-old female underwent revision rhinoplasty to correct the twisted deformity left by her first rhinoplasty surgery. In addition, she underwent concurrent sinus surgery.