You’d have to be living under a rock not to have heard about Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram for $1 billion. For fun, since we weren’t lucky enough to be founders, we decided to look at the 3 founders’ faces and see if there’s a secret for early prosperity hidden in their faces (can you guess what they are?). And, even though they obviously don’t need any help to get ahead in business, since none are married, maybe they could use a little help from Dr. Yagoda to get ahead in the personal appearance department!

Here are Dr. Yagoda’s recommendations for Mr. Krieger (far left, 26): “Mike has an upper lip that shows too much of his gums when he smiles. Botox is a simple solution to reduce his gummy smile. Also, he could benefit from submental liposuction to define his chin and jawline, and to decrease the double chin. He won’t look as dapper as Brad Pitt or George Clooney, but it will be a noticeable improvement!”
As for Mr. Systrom (center, 28), Dr. Yagoda notes, “Kevin is clearly the most handsome of the three, but his nose is crooked. A rhinoplasty could correct this, and he might also want to consider some filler (such as Restylane) to make his thin upper lip more kissable.”
Mark Zuckerberg (far right), founder of Facebook, will be turning 28 today (May 14). Dr. Yagoda says, “It’s a good thing that the Facebook/Instagram deal closed, because sleepless nights working on the deal seem to have exacerbated Mark’s lower lid bags. If championing one of the biggest deals in the world isn’t enough of a birthday present, perhaps Mark can consider a lower lid blepharoplasty to make him look more his age, combined with a rhinoplasty to lessen the bump on his nose and raise the drooping nasal tip.”
These three lucky guys are really quite typical after all. They could all benefit from at least one of the 3 most common male aesthetic procedures that were performed in 2011:* Botox (that Mike could use to reduce his gummy smile), hyaluronic acid injections (that Kevin could use to plump up his upper lip), and rhinoplasty (that Mark could consider to revise the bump on his nose and improve his drooping nasal tip). Also popular among male patients were blepharoplasties (which could help Mark get rid of his undereye bags), hair transplants, microdermabrasion, and fat injections. In fact, the number of male patients receiving cosmetic procedures doubled between 2010 and 2011!*
Have you guessed the 3 facial features these founders all have in common?
- thin upper lip
- at least one left cheek dimple
- under eye bags, with early age crows’ feet.