Reading labels and being responsible for what you intake into your body is part of taking good care of yourself physically. Treat your body well by eating well.
Eating well means not only having a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plentiful water, but also limiting alcohol, carbonated and/or sweetened beverages, tea and coffee, and caffeine. It also means avoiding highly processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup.
Eating well does not have to mean that everything you buy has to be organic, but it does mean being aware of the ingredients in your food, including potential dangers such as growth hormones and preservatives like sodium nitrate. Eating well also means finding out what nutrients you might be lacking in, whether due to genetics or environment or even age. Did you know that, as you age, your body tends to absorb fewer nutrients? Supplements in powdered form, such as patented BeautyScoop, can be important even if you eat a healthy diet, as the powder form allows immediate absorption for rapid and long-lasting results. Educate yourself on the foods and beverages you are consuming. Knowledge is power!